Neurodiversity Dyslexia
1. What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a neurological condition that impacts reading, spelling, and writing.
Think of the brain like a big library full of lots of information. Neurotypical (regular) brains are like libraries where everything is neatly sorted using a system (like the Dewey Decimal System).
But for people with dyslexia, it's more like a big gust of wind came through and shuffled all the books around. Imagine trying to find something – that's how tricky it is for them to find what they're looking for.
The information below is not meant to diagnose or treat. It should not take the place of consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.
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Dyslexia manifests as challenges in decoding words, recognizing sounds, and remembering letter sequences.
This often results in difficulties with fluent reading, where your child may read slowly and make errors, significantly impacting their comprehension of written material. Interestingly, when someone else reads the text to them, the child frequently experiences no difficulty in understanding the content.
Dyslexic brains exhibit four distinct differences:
Difficulty sequencing tasks: Writing, which involves a swift sequence of events, becomes overwhelming for the dyslexic brain when faced with rows of words.
Poor memory recall: Despite initial understanding, dyslexic individuals may quickly forget information when the subject changes.
Struggle to automate processes: The difficulty in recalling information hinders the ability to remember to perform simple tasks.
Powerful right-sided, creative brain: On a positive note, the dyslexic brain's right-sided dominance enhances creativity, making individuals adept at out-of-the-box, abstract thinking, especially in arts and humanities subjects.
2. How can I recognize dyslexia in my child?
Dyslexia can manifest in various ways, and its signs and symptoms may differ from one person to another.
Kindergarten and First Grade - signs of dyslexia
Confusing similar-looking or sounding letters (e.g., b, d, p, q) or (f and v, b and p, d and t).
Inability to read common one-syllable words or to sound out even the simplest of words, such as "mat," "cat," "nap''.
Struggling to read familiar words, especially without pictures.
Trouble learning letter names and remembering the sounds they make.
Substituting words when reading aloud, like saying "house" instead of "home."
Complaints about how hard reading is, or running and hiding when it is time to read
Aside from challenges in speech and reading, it's crucial to observe signs of strengths in advanced cognitive processes. These may include:
A vivid imagination
Great problem-solving abilities
Enthusiastic embrace of new ideas
Getting the gist of things
A good understanding of new concepts
Remarkable maturity
An extensive vocabulary for their age
Enjoyment in solving puzzles
Skill in building models
Exceptional comprehension of stories, whether read or told to them
Grades 2-5 - signs of dyslexia
Problems in Speaking:
Mispronouncing long, unfamiliar, or complicated words; fracturing words by omitting parts or confusing their order (e.g., "aluminum" becomes "amulium").
Non-fluent speech characterized by frequent pauses, hesitations, and the use of "um"s.
Use of imprecise language, employing vague references to "stuff" or "things" instead of specific object names.
Difficulty finding the exact word, leading to confusion between words that sound alike (e.g. "humanity" for "humidity").
Needing time to formulate an oral response or struggling to provide a quick verbal response when questioned.
Trouble remembering isolated verbal information, such as dates, names, telephone numbers, or random lists.
Problems in Reading:
Slow progress in acquiring reading skills.
Lack of a strategy for reading new words.
Difficulty reading unknown words that require sounding out, often resorting to wild stabs or guesses.
Inability to read small "function" words like "that," "an," and "in."
Oral reading exhibits frequent substitutions, omissions, and mispronunciations, appears choppy and labored, lacking smooth fluency and inflection, resembling the reading of a foreign language.
Trouble reading mathematics word problems.
Homework that never seems to end, or with parents often recruited as readers.
Messy handwriting.
Extreme difficulty learning a foreign language.
A lack of enjoyment in reading, and the avoidance of reading books or even a sentence.
Strengths in Higher-Level Thinking:
Excellent conceptualization, reasoning, imagination, and abstraction skills.
Optimal learning through meaning rather than rote memorization.
Development of a specialized vocabulary in areas of interest, contributing to improved comprehension.
Surprisingly advanced listening vocabulary.
Excellence in non-reading-dependent areas like math, computers, visual arts, or more conceptual subjects such as philosophy, biology, social studies, neuroscience, and creative writing.
Beyond academic challenges, dyslexia can also affect emotions and behavior. Individuals with dyslexia may shy away from reading, whether aloud or to themselves. Feelings of anxiety or frustration during reading sessions can persist, even after mastering the basics of reading.
3. What are the common myths about dyslexia?
Myth #1: Dyslexia is primarily identified by reading and writing letters backward.
While some children with dyslexia may display letter reversals, it's not a universal sign.
It's common for young children to mix up letters, such as confusing ''b'' and ''d'' or writing ''p'' instead of ''q''. However, if your child continues to do so by the end of first grade, it might indicate the necessity for an evaluation.
Myth #2: Dyslexia only emerges in elementary school.
Dyslexia signs may appear in preschool or even earlier because dyslexia can impact the language skills crucial for reading. If a preschooler struggles with rhyming or is a "late talker," these could be signs indicating a risk for dyslexia.
Myth #3: Kids with dyslexia can overcome challenges by trying harder.
Studies show that kids with dyslexia have different brain functions, and reading can actually change the brain over time. It's not about how hard they try; it's the type of instruction that matters. There are various reading programs for struggling readers, and many use a multisensory approach, incorporating sight, sound, and touch to enhance learning. With good instruction and practice, kids with dyslexia can make lasting improvements in reading.
Myth #4: Dyslexia disappears once kids learn to read.
Intervention helps dyslexic kids learn to read, but dyslexia persists as a lifelong learning difference. It can impact fluency, comprehension, spelling, and writing skills even after learning to read.
Myth #5: Dyslexia is a vision problem.
Dyslexia is not caused by vision issues. While some may experience visual perception challenges, they are not inherent to dyslexia, which is a neurological condition.
Myth #6: Dyslexia results from insufficient reading at home.
Dyslexia is a neurological condition and not caused by reading exposure. Reading at home is crucial for all children, but dyslexia arises from brain function differences, not a lack of reading exposure. Educating others about the neurological basis of dyslexia can help dispel misconceptions.
4. How Can I Support My Child's Learning at Home?
Creating a supportive environment at home is crucial:
Consider incorporating multi-sensory learning techniques, such as using flashcards, educational games, or interactive apps.
Establish a consistent routine and provide clear instructions.
Regularly communicate with teachers to align classroom strategies with home practices, ensuring a cohesive learning experience for your child.
Celebrate small victories, and focus on the progress your child makes. Every step forward is a testament to their determination and your support.
5. What Resources are Available for Dyslexia Support?
Access to resources typically requires a formal diagnosis.
Getting a diagnosis (referred to as identification in schools) can open the door to support and services in school.
Various professionals, such as school psychologists, clinical psychologists, and neuropsychologists, can assess individuals for dyslexia.
While school evaluations are free, private evaluations can be expensive. However, some options exist to obtain them for free or at a low cost. Local universities often have psychology programs with clinics where students conduct training. Teaching hospitals may offer free evaluations through research projects.
Accessing the right resources is key. Here is a list of some resources in the US and Canada.
The Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) has local chapters in every state that may assist in finding free or affordable options.
Understood.org offers practical advice, expert information, and a supportive community for parents of children with learning and attention issues.
International Dyslexia Association (IDA) offers resources, advocacy, and support for individuals with dyslexia and their families.
National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) provides resources, tools, and support to empower parents and advocate for the rights of individuals with learning disabilities.
Dyslexic Advantage focuses on the strengths and talents associated with dyslexia, providing insights and resources for parents.
Learning Disabilities Associations (LDAs) provide support, information, and resources for parents of dyslexic children. They may offer workshops, conferences, and advocacy services.
Canadian Dyslexia Centre focuses on dyslexia awareness and support. It may provide information, resources, and guidance for parents.
Check out this insightful article on top dyslexia programs for kids and teens in 2023, here.
Accessing the right resources is key. Investigate assistive technology tools, audiobooks, and specialized educational programs tailored to Dyslexic learners.
Have a wonderful day, and keep being the amazing parents that you are! 🌟💕
DdL Mom
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