woman and baby sitting on white sofa


Empowering Neurodivergent Children

Recently, my little kid shared a profound moment with me that truly touched my heart.

...She said: "Mom, listen to me with your eyes."

In that simple yet profound statement, she reminded me of the importance of not just hearing her words, but truly connecting with her, emotionally.

If you are wondering: How do you connect with a child?

It's easier than you think!

As Dr. Seuss said, 'Adults are just outdated children'.

So, allow yourself to be fully present, curious, and open-hearted like a child.

If you are here, I know for sure that you are a loving mom/dad, trying to understand and support your child.

So take a deep breath, maybe brew yourself a cup of tea, and let's explore together! 🙂

About Me Page Photo Andrea DdL Mom
About Me Page Photo Andrea DdL Mom

Hey there! I'm Ana, an Introverted Mom with a strong passion for nurturing connections with our little ones, especially Neurodivergent children.

Want to know more, About Me?

DdL Mom

Little girl playing and trying to reach a red balloonLittle girl playing and trying to reach a red balloon


Active Learning Activities are the most effortlessly way to turn every moment into a chance for connection, learning, and fun

''Learning is experience. Everything else is just information''

― Albert Einstein


Gifts for Highly Sensitive Women and Children

Mood Boosters

SEL (Social Emotional Learning)

''We all smile in the same language''

― Malala Yousafzai


What is a Neurodivergent Child?

Neurotypical & Neurodivergent

Understand, Appreciate and Support

''In diversity, there is beauty and there is strength''

― Maya Angelou

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Discover the advantages, disadvantages, requirements, and methods used in the United States and Canada.

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assorted-color pencil lot on white surface
assorted-color pencil lot on white surface


Keep exploring with us! Your curiosity fuels our motivation!