Hola! I'm Ana, a Highly Sensitive / Introverted Mom of a sweet brilliant girl!

I remember arriving in Canada 15 years ago feeling confident about my French level, until... I tried to order a 'yogurt' (yaourt) in a Tim Hortons Café.

After trying to say ''yaourt'' with all the accents I knew, making grand gestures, and even saying it painfully slowly, the young girl still didn't have a clue what I was talking about!

So, I finally ordered an apple juice.

Ten years ago, my parenting journey began.

And I was confident about my parenting skills, until... I faced the task of convincing my toddler that wearing 10 pounds of clothes was the key to having fun in the snow.

But those moments helped me understand that life is full of misunderstandings that can lead to growth and sometimes laughter.

So now, I want to share with you the invaluable lessons that have shaped my journey in the most unexpected and rewarding ways.

I understand the ups and downs of raising Highly Sensitive Kids from:

  • Feeling Overwhelmed by the intensity of your child's emotions and struggle to know how best to support them.

  • Dealing with Judgment or criticism from others who do not understand or appreciate your child's nature.

  • Balancing your child's need for a calm and predictable environment with the demands of modern life.

  • Guilt and Self-Doubt.

Over the past decade, I've dedicated myself to reading every scientific study and understanding the intricacies of parenting, particularly when it comes to raising highly sensitive children.

Through thousands of hours of research and hands-on experience, I've gained valuable insights into effective strategies for nurturing strong parent-child connections. I'm here to chat about:

My aim? To share with you the tools to feel confident, ease the overwhelm, and strengthen those precious bonds with your little ones.

Because when we're all connected, learning becomes a breeze and life's just a little sweeter 🙂

DdL Mom *

Postre con dulce de lechePostre con dulce de leche
About Me Page Photo Andrea DdL Mom
About Me Page Photo Andrea DdL Mom

* You might be wondering why I chose the name Dulce de Leche Mom for my webpage. Well, it's a combination of two things close to my heart:

  • Firstly, it's a heartwarming tribute to my childhood, where my mom's homemade Dulce de Leche filled our home with love and sweetness. These memories bring me immense joy and gratitude!

  • Secondly, it reflects my bilingual life, a heritage I cherish and celebrate!

Feel free to explore and connect. I'm grateful to have you here!

Star your day with Calm Connection

Connecting Morning of a mom playing with a happy kidConnecting Morning of a mom playing with a happy kid